Tips & Yay!’s

無妄 Hexagram 25: WU WANG


All good comes when we are innocent.

In the very center of each of us there dwells an innocent and divine spirit. If we allow ourselves to be guided by it in every situation, we can never go wrong. Wu Wang comes to remind us that we must actively disengage our egos before we can obtain the vast rewards that come from living in a state of innocence.

The nature of the ego is that when we exercise it, it takes us out of the present. When we engage in ambitions, anxieties, or anticipations, our ego is skipping ahead, and we miss the guidance of the Creative in the present moment. When we engage in anger, judgement, and condemnation—whether toward ourselves or others—our ego is looking backward, and we cannot see the Sage’s clear solution to the present situation. In either case, the result is misfortune. Only by stilling the ego and accepting life in its entirety can we become innocent. In this state we are receptive to the help of the Higher Power and can meet with good fortune wherever we go.

You are advised now to stop looking forward and backward, to abandon your ambitions, to disengage from judgements and critical thinking. If a thought, attitude, or action is not in accord with the principles of acceptance, equanimity, humility, and gentleness, do not indulge in it. The I Ching encourages you to actively practice innocence. Because the ego is strong, you must make a conscious and conscientious effort to be innocent.

If you willfully unstructure your attitude, open your heart to the Deity, and allow yourself to be guided by that which is innocent and pure, you will meet with success in the coming time.

Further guidance from the
Wei Wu Wei Ching

A deep
and sophisticated
understanding of Buddhism,
Taoism, Zen, Chan, philosophy,
meditation technique—none of these
is necessary to attain realization.
They are just as likely to
ensnare you in towers
of complicated

in the simple
understanding that
buddha nature is always,
has always been, will always be,
your own nature. Breathe into
that. Breathe out from it.
That is all.
from the I Ching, or Book of Changes: A Guide to Life’s Turning Points, by Brian Browne Walker